Expected learning outcomes of the BNSP version 2018

Domain of TQF/TNC standards Number PLOs
Ethical skill 1 Being/ practice integrity and discipline
2 Respect human dignity from all cultures
3 Value on the benefit of mankind
4 Make decision in daily life and perform nursing care ethically and legally
Knowledge skill 5 Be knowledgeable on the life sciences for living in a challenging world
6 Be knowledgeable in basic science, social science, and health sciences which are relevant to nursing practices
7 Be knowledgeable in nursing science and midwifery
Intellectual skill 8 Demonstrate systematic thinking
9 Utilize evidence in nursing practice appropriately
10 Integrate various knowledge into nursing practice appropriately
11 Utilize scientific/research method to improve quality of nursing care
Interpersonal skill 12 Being responsible and wisdom
13 Demonstrate good general and nursing professional interpersonal relationship skills, collaborate with multi-disciplinary effectively
14 Assert a leadership skill, behave in appropriate behaviors according to individual roles.
Numeric, IT and communication skill 15 Utilize basic computerized programs and information technology for learning and nursing practice appropriately
16 Analyze health statistic data and utilize in nursing practice critically
17 Communicate trans-culturally with verbal and non-verbal communication effectively
Professional skill 18 Perform trans-cultural nursing practice and midwifery nursing according to professional standards for individuals, families, and communities through the integration of knowledge in nursing, midwifery, relevant sciences and empirical evidence
19 Perform nursing practice for individuals, families and communities during pre-disaster, emergency, and post disaster according to professional standards through the integration of nursing and midwifery knowledge, relevant sciences and empirical evidence