1. General Education Courses
1.1 The King’s Philosophy and Benefit of Mankind Courses
001-102 The King’s Philosophy and Sustainable Development
Meaning, principle, concept, importance and goal of the philosophy of sufficiency work principles understanding and development of the king’s wisdom and sustainable development; and analysis of application of the king’s wisdom in the area of interest including individual business or community sectors in local and national level
993-171 Benefit for Mandkind
Knowledge integration activities, emphasis on public good; cultivation of morality, ethics, and public mind team working within and/of across disciplines under supervision of advisors
993-172 Social Engagement in Emergency Situation
Concepts and principles of CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) public health care; CPR simulation training public service
1.2 Citizenship and Life at Peace Courses
001-106 New Consciousness
Creation of new consciousness or mindfulness with self-awareness in the present moment and leads to peaceful and neutral mind in daily life, application of mindfulness in learning and doing all activities. Use mindfulness to see thoughts and emotions and understanding the changes of emotions various multi cultures, happiness of life, understanding and acceptance of the difference and variousness, team work, live in peace, communication skills and creative solving the problems in multiple pattern society
117-114 Living a Peaceful Life
Value of life and human being; self-understanding and empathy; positive thinking; understanding of different cultures, opinions, beliefs and values; moral life communication skills and multicultural competence; principle of conflict management and non-violence, application of these concepts and skills for happy life and peace
196-101 Citizenship
Concept, principle, characteristic and significance of citizenship in democratic community, global and virtual society; law-abidingness; social responsibility
1.3 Entrepreneurship Courses
001-103 Idea to Entrepreneurship
Introduction to new entrepreneur creation; business environment opportunity analysis; using business models with modern business tools
1.4 Stay Informed and Digital Literacy Courses
117-116 Digital Literacy
Technology; artificial Intelligence; cyber ethics and regulations; concepts and significance of media and information in digital age; modern communication landscape; media impacts; communication behaviors in digital media; private right and violation; access to information; use of information for lifelong learning citation; information presentation
724-106 Current Issues in Modern Science
Science and technology development for enhancing quality of life; IT applications in science, technology, energy and environment; scientific and technological advancement; communal, regional and international innovations; modern scientific and technological issues related to or with impacts on society, politics, economy, natural resources, humans, living organisms and environment
1.5 Systematic thinking and the art of logical and numerical thinking Courses
746-103 Finmath
Introduction to new entrepreneur creation; entrepreneurship appraisal; business opportunity analysis; project feasibility study; SWOT analysis; market survey and research; marketing strategy for new business; business marketing; marketing planning; production management; accounting financial analysis; financial planning; business; investment funding sources; business networking; public sectors services and facilities; business ethics
747-102 Answering Questions with Data
Developing interesting research questions; primary data collection; data management and classification; modern technology in data analysis; varied learning sources; basic statistics; drawing conclusions from data; data presentation techniques
1.6 Language and communication Courses
411-101 Thai Language Your Language
Language and presentation of ideas through written communication appropriate with different situation for the achievement of communicative objectives culture of Thai language usage ; practice of correcting defective message in communication ; receiving information by reading for main ideas, summarizing, and criticizing for learning and living application
417-101 Hi ! English
Practice of English conversation in daily life; practice of English pronunciation; learning English through media such as English cartoons, fairy tales, songs, movies and short descriptions
417-102 Pen and Post
Developing reading skills focusing on identifying topics, main ideas and details; vocabulary improvement; developing grammatical and meaningful sentences and short paragraph writing skills
1.7 Aesthetics and sports Courses
413-242 Malay Enchantment
Race, culture and traditions Malay in Thailand and ASEAN
xxx-xxx Sport
1.8 Elective Courses
196-103 Leadership and Management
Concepts and theories of leadership; characteristics and roles of leaders and followers; change leaders; creative leaders; competency; team building and team work; principles and theories of strategic management; leadership development; success-oriented management
425-101 Culture GuideAppreciation of cultural heritage and local wisdom; knowledge integration with cultural tourism
2. Core Courses
2.1 Basic Profession Courses
725-112 Microbiology and Parasitology
Introduction to immunology, microbiology and parasitology; immunization process and immunological reaction against pathogens; basic animal biology; microbes and parasites, structure and function of microbial and parasititological cell; microorganisms and parasites induces diseases in Thailand; pathogen prevention, control and disinfection; collection of specimen; laboratory practices in microbiological staining, culturing, sensitivity testing; diagnosis of microbes and parasites
725-113 Clinical Biochemistry
Fundamental biology; basic concepts of clinical biochemistry, structure, components, functions and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, water and electrolytes, other organic compounds, biochemical changes in the human body under pathological conditions
725-115 Anatomy I
Introduction of human anatomy; gross and microscopic anatomy; structure and function of tissues and membrane, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system and circulatory system; anatomical laboratory
725-116 Anatomy II Human anatomy of respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, reproductive system and endocrine system; anatomical laboratory
725-117 Physiology I
Introduction of physiology function and mechanism of cells and human body system including tissues and membrane, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system and circulartory system in normal and pathological condition; physiological laboratory
725-118 Physiology II
Function and mechanism of human body system including in respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, reproductive system in normal and pathological condition; physiological laboratory
725-211 Basic Pharmacology
Introduction of pharmacolotherapeutics; phamacokenetics; pamacodynamics; drugs affecting on nervous system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system and autacoids, digestive system and urinary system; antimicrobial and anti-parasitic drugs; chemo therapy; toxicology; drug administration; complication and contraindication; rationale drug use
993-111 Developmental Psychology
Concepts, theories and principles of human development; factors affecting physical, psychological, social, moral and cognitive development; human development from the embryonic stage through aging stage; developmental crisis and promoting of human development for all age groups
993-211 Pathophysiology
Concepts of changes of body system; response and adaptive mechanism during pathological condition; clinical asessement and diagnosis for pathological investigation
993-212 Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy
Significant of food and nutrition on health; factors affecting nutritional status; healthy food consumption; nutritional composition; nutrition for normal people from birth to aging stage; nutrition and nutritional assessment of all age groups; concepts and principles of nutritional therapy; nutrition and culture such as vegetarian, vagan, biomacrobiotic, halal and kosher food
993-214 Principles of Epidemiology
Principles of epidemiology; nature of disease; distribution of diseases; community health indicators; epidemiological studies; epidemiological surveillance and investigation; disease prevention and control; application of epidemiology and biostatistics in nursing practice
2.2 Professional Courses 42 Unit
2.2.1 Theory courses
993-121 Concepts and Theories of Nursing
Evolution of the nursing profession; fundamental concepts of nursing, human, health, environment and nursing; nursing theories, relationship between nursing and public health services, concepts of holistic nursing, transcultural nursing and humanized nursing, concepts of patient safety, nursing and health organizations
993-122 Principles of Nursing Process
Functional health patterns; principles of the nursing process which including nursing assessments; nursing diagnosis, nursing care plan, nursing implementation and nursing evaluation; nursing documentation application of the nursing process in transcultural nursing practice with concerning of client safety
993-123 Nursing Techniques
Principles of nursing practice and nursing care; basic nursing procedures client safety; infectious prevention and control; environmental management; hygiene care; assessment of vital signs and basic nursing care; positioning and transfering physical exercises; food and fluid care; elimination care; wound care; performing and supporting of medical treatment; admission and discharge of patients
993-124 Humanized Health Care
Principles of humanized health care,communication; dialogue in daily-life and nursing profession; cross-cultural communication; development of professional personality; excellent health care services; Demonstrate of nursing dialoque and humanized health care service in a selective health care institution
993-125 Transcultural Nursing
Concepts and theories of transcultural nursing; effects of culture on health behaviors and health status; professional and folk health care systems; transcultural nursing competencies; cross cultural communication; application of nursing process in trans-cultural nursing practice for all age groups; cultural decision making; field work study for improvement of transcultural nursing skills in a selective village
993-221 Laws and Ethics for Nurses
Principles of law; essential acts and laws for public health; Nursing Professional and Midwifery Acts; ethical theories nursing ethics; values and beliefs; code of nursing ethics; patient’s rights; legal, ethical and cultural issues in nursing practice and client safety ethical dilemma and ethical decision-making
993-222 Health Promotion Nursing
Theories of health promotion; public health policies for health promotion Ottawa Charter; concept of social marketing; concept of stage of changes; empowerment; health education and counseling for individuals, families, and communities; health promotion for all age groups; common issues in health promotion including diet and nutrition, physical activities and exercise, stress and stress management and risky health behaviors; related legal, ethical and cultural issues
993-223 Adult Nursing I
Principles of transcultural nursing for illy adult clients in acute and chronic illness with uncomplicated or complicated health condition without crisis; emphasis on nursing treatment, rehabilitation and concerning of family participation; related legal, ethical, cultural issues and client safety
993-225 Geriatric Nursing
Principles of transcultural nursing of aging clients; aging theories aging process; health assessment of aging; nursing care of common health problems among elders which concerning of caregivers’ participation; rational drug administration and risky prevention; related legal, ethical cultural issues and client safety
993-321 Maternal and Newborn Nursing
Co-requisite: 993-325 Midwifery I
Principless of transculral nursing for mothers, newborns and their families; maternal and newborn health services; health scheme for mothers and newborns; concepts of reproductive health; major reproductive health problems and assistance for reproductive women and their families; infertility and counseling; family planning fertilization; fetal growth and development and factors influencing fetal growth and development; transcultural nursing care for women and their families with normal and mild health deviation during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum period; nursing care of healthy and mild health deviation newborns; legal, ethical and cultural issues related to maternal and newborn nursing and client safety
993-323 Pediatric and Adolescent Nursing
Principles of transcultural nursing for children and adolescents in normal health status, mild health deviation, children with acute, chronic and critical illness; emphasizing on nursing treatment, rehabilitation, prevention of relapsing, health promotion and concerning of family participation; related legal, ethical, cultural issues and client safety
993-324 Adult Nursing II
Principles of transcultural nursing for ill adults during critical; emergency condition; end of life and dying phase; applying medical technology and special treatment in nursing practice with concerning of family participation; related legal, ethical, cultural issues and client safety
993-226 Disaster Nursing
Concepts and types of disasters; management of health service; nursing care during pre-disaster, emergency situation and rehabilitation phase; cardiopulmonary resuscitation during rescue phase; nursing care for individuals, families and communities who faced with natural, man-made disaster and armed conflicts; psychological first aids and rehabilitation; forensic medicine; other related legal, ethical and cultural issues; practicum of disaster nursing with simulation or in health institutions or communities
993-325 Midwifery I
Co-requisite: 993-321 Maternal and Newborn Nursing
Principles of midwifery; introduction of childbirth, fetal health assessment; drugs administration during labor; normal birth assisting; transcultural nursing for midwifery clients in normal labor, emphasis on health promotion, prevention, nursing treatment and rehabilitation, related legal, ethical, cultural issues and client safety
993-326 Nursing Research and Development of Health Innovation
Principles of basic nursing research process of nursing research; research methodology; Basic statistic; basic analysis and evaluation of nursing research; development of innovation development of routine nursing practice to nursing research (R2R); conducting of basic nursing research or development of health innovation
993-322 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing
Theories and principles of transcultural nursing for mental and psychiatric clients; therapeutic relationship; therapeutic used of self; nursing care of risky clients of mental health problems; nursing care of mental health disturbance and psychiatric clients; nursing process in mental health and psychiatry; mental health prevention and promotion; basic mental health therapy; continuing care; rehabilitation and referring; legal, related ethical, cultural issues and client safety
993-328 Midwifery II
Co-requisite: : 993-321 Maternal and Newborn Nursing , 993-325 Midwifery I
Principles of midwifery; roles of midwifery nurses according to Nursing Act; principles of transcultural nursing for mothers with high risk and having complication during pregnancy, labor and postpartum period; principles of transcultural nursing care for newborns with abnormal and having health complication; related legal, ethical, cultural issues and client safety
993-421 Basic Medical Care
Principles of basic disease diagnosis and medical treatment for all age group clients; immunization; primary nursing care of clients in emergency, trauma, first aids in normal situation and disaster period; principles of basic medical procedure; rational drug use under the Nursing Professional Acts and related laws; principles of client referring for further management; related legal, ethical, cultural issues and client safety
993-422 Community Health Nursing
Principles of public health; public health innovation; national public health policies and developmental plans; concepts of community health nursing; promoting of healthy community; process and operation of public health nursing, school health, occupational health, environmental health in cultural diversity promoting of participation of individuals, families and communities; community health management in disaster period; related legal, ethical, cultural issues and client safety
993-329 Nursing Administration
Principles of nursing administration; humanized administration; personnel and organizational management; planning; organizing; leadership in nursing team working; quality development in nursing practice; administration of client safety; risk management; risk communication; health economy; nursing informatics; seminar of nursing profession issues
2.2.2 Practice courses
993-291 Fundamental Nursing Care Practicum
Pre-requisite: 993-122 Principles of Nursing Process
993-123 Nursing Techniques
Practicum of fundamental nursing using nursing process, the functional health pattern framework and basic technical nursing skills; basic nursing responding to physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of individual clients with concerning of laws and professional code of ethics, client’s culture and client safety
993-292 Health Promotion Nursing
Pre-requisite: 993-122 Principles of Nursing Process
993-123 Nursing Techniques
993-222 Health Promotion Nursing
Practicum of transcultural nursing using of nursing process, performing of health assessing for individual, families and communities; applying of theories in health promotion enhancing self-care of individuals, families and communities with concerning of laws, code of ethics, client’s culture and client safety
993-391 Adult Nursing Practicum I
Pre-requisite: 993-223 Adult Nursing I
993-291 Fundamental Nursing Care Practicum
Practicum of transcultural nursing by applying nursing process for adult clients with acute, chronic, complicated and non-complicated illness without crisis; emphasizing on nursing treatment and rehabilitation with concerning of families’ participation; applying of medical technologies, general and specific nursing techniques in nursing practice; perfoeming of discharge planning for continuing care with concerning of professional laws and code of nursing ethics, client’s culture and safety.
993-392 Geriatric Nursing Practicum
Pre-requisite: 993-225 Geriatric Nursing
993-291 Fundamental Nursing Care Practicum
Practicum of transcultural nursing by applying nursing process for elderly clients with normal health condition, acute and chronic illness, emphasizing on nursing treatment, rehabilitation and health promotion with concerning of families’ participation under professional laws, code of nursing ethics, client’s culture and safety
993-393 Adult Nursing Practicum II
Pre-requisite: 993-324 Adult Nursing 2
993-391 Adult Nursing Practicum I
Practicum of transcultural nursing care for ill adults with complicated, emergent or critical health condition; clients during end stage of life and dying stage by applying nursing process with concerning of families’ parcipation under professional laws, code of nursing ethics and client’s culture and safety; practicum of performing medical technologies in urgent, critical and emergent health condition
993-394 Maternal, Newborn and Midwifery Nursing Practicum I
Pre-requisite: 993-291 Fundamental Nursing Care Practicum
993-321 Maternal and Newborn Nursing
993-325 Midwifery I
Practicum of transcultural nursing for women during pregnancy, labor and postpartum periods, assisting delivery in normal or mild health deviation clients; nursing care for normal and mild health deviation newborns by applying nursing process with emphasizing on health promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation under of professional laws, code of nursing ethics, client’s culture and safety
993-395 Pediatric and Adolescent Nursing Practicum
Pre-requiaite: 993-291 Fundamental Nursing Care Practicum
993-323 Pediatric and Adolescent Nursing
Practicum of transcultural nursing for children through adolescents with normal and mild health deviation, acute, chronic and critical illness; applying nursing process for nursing treatment, rehabilitation, prevention of disease relapsing, and health promotion with concerning of families’ participation, professional laws, code of nursing ethics and clients’ culture and safety
993-396 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum
Pre-requisite: 993-291 Fundamental Nursing Care Practicum
993-322 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing
Practicum of transcultural nursing practice for clients with high risk of mental health disturbance, clients with mental health disturbance; psychiatric clients by applying nursing process, therapeutic relationship skills, therapeutic use of self, basic nursing therapy for individuals, families and communities focusing on mental health promotion, prevention, nursing treatment, continuing care, rehabilitation and referring with concerning of professional laws, code of nursing ethics client’s culture and safety
993-491 Maternal, Newborn and Midwifery Nursing Practicum II
Pre-requisite: 993-328 Midwifery II
993-394 Maternal, Newborn and Midwifery Nursing Practicum I
Practicum of transcultural nursing for maternal clients during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum period with normal, abnormal health condition and health complication; birth assisting; assisting obstetricians for obsteric procedures; transcultural nursing for newborns with abnormal health condition and health complication by applying nursing process for health promotion, prevention, curing and rehabilitation with concerning of laws, professional code of nursing ethics, client’s culture and safety
993-492 Community Health Nursing and Basic Medical Care Practicum
Pre-requisite: 993-421 Basic Medical Care
993-422 Community Health Nursing
Practicum of transcultural nursing for strengthening of individuals, families and communities in self care of health by applying community health nursing process; practicum of basic medical care including disease diagnosis, basic treatment for acute and trauma clients; referring with concerning of participation of individuals, families and communities, laws, professional code of nursing ethics, client’s culture and safety
993-494 Nursing Administration Practicum
Practice of nursing administration in clinic as a team leader and member in nursing team based on professional standard, related laws and professional ethics; practice of project management
993-493 Nursing Internship
Practicum of transcultural nursing according to professional nursing standard under supervision of registered nurses in a selective health institute
3. Elective Courses
993-531 Health Care Service for Muslim Clients
Concepts of health, illness, death and health care for muslim clients; culture and social etiquette of muslims from various regions, professional communication with muslim clients, halal health care service; halal health business; practicum of health care service for muslim clients from various regions
993-532 Health Care Service for ASEAN Clients
Lifestyses, culture and social etiquette of ASEAN people from various coutries; health behaviors; folk health care practice; health insurance; practicum of health care services for clients from ASEAN countries
993-533 Health Care Service for Western Clients
Lifestyses, culture and social etiquette of western people from various countries; health behaviors; folk health care practice; health insurance; pracitcum of health care services for clients from various western countries
993-534 Health Care Service for Chinese, Japanese and Korian Clients
Lifestyses, culture and social etiquette of Chineses, Japaneses and Korians; health behaviors; folk health care practice; health insurance; practicum of health care services for clients from China, Japan and Koria
993-535 Disaster Management and Humanitarian Relief
Overview of disaster management; self care from health hazard during disaster; disaster preparedness and planning; disaster recovery; public health emergency in large population; fundamental of humanitarian assistance; practicum of humanitarian relief in selective sectors